lryrob9301 wrote:
You need to find a different mechanic, he is taking you to the cleaners over recommending unneeded services. With Transynd, your transmission is good for 150,000 miles or 6000 hours of operation or 48 months whichever comes first. The filters need to be changed 75,000 miles or 3000 hours of operation or 36 months whichever comes first. This is as per the Allison service manual.
This ^^^
The Allison 3000 4000 etc with synthetic transynd in motorhome use is a different animal, filter changes “ maybe” and checking fluid levels with the shift panel not the dipstick are the maintenance choices .. perhaps fluid testing if your concerned.
There is a retired engineer from Allison on one of the forums with hundreds of pages of info ... all of which says the above and “practically” as a sometime motorhomer you’ll never change the fluid , just test it . Those changing fluid every “?” Need to read up a little.