Forum Discussion

topher80's avatar
Jul 02, 2013

Tailgater to HR hookup

I own a 2008 HR Neptune. In the rig it is a box that differentiates the signal from the front TV and the rear TV and it also accommodates, air, cable and satellite.

I have a coax satellite input near the electrical line that would (presumably) run fro the dish to the box. No problem, then I can select the satellite button. I think I have that right. BUT and here is the question:

I would love to personally talk with someone who has added satellite dish (I am using DISH with a Tailgater) because Peggy (my wife and maybe me too) will go nuts if I cannot get this thing to work.

Happy To get advice

  • I know this set up cold...please PM me with a good time to call you tomorrow...I'll get it working for you...

    1. You have to have a DISH 211 or 411 for this to work...the tailgater is not compatible with the 311 box.

    2. The tailgater is programmed to get 119, 110 and the northeast 129 is a bit low in the sky and as such might be a bit hard to get but 119 and 110 will definitely come in.

    My sat in is just above the entry way in the upper storage is called EXT SATELLITE DISH....forget the sat box in the is a dummy....the coax must be connected to EXT SAT DISH and go to the sat input of the DISH box...DISH box must then go to TV with either HDMI to get HD or with trad audio cables which will give you SD picture even on HD channels...
  • We have close to the same unit. Your satellite connection will not go straight to the Weingard audio/video switch. On my coach, the cabinet above the driver's seat contains the Weingard switch. Behind the switch, against the bulk head, there are two cable connections. One connection should say Satellite In and the other Satellite Out. Connect a coax cable from the Satellite In connection to your Dish receiver and then connect the output from the Dish receiver to the Satellite Out connector. Now, the satellite signal will run from the antenna, through the receiver to the switch, where you can then select the different inputs to go to your TV, etc.

    The problem with this setup is that the entire A/V circuitry in our coaches was designed before HD transmissions and TV's switch to all digital input. Our systems use RG6 cable connections between all the devices, where today, HDMI is the "standard" connection technology.
  • Never a good idea to post your phone number in an open internet post. Suggest you edit your post and delete it.

    To your question. The coax from the dish to the receiver should be a straight shot. The distribution box is to distribute the output of the satellite feed to the TV's only. In today's connection strategies with HDMI and hi def it most likely wouldn't be used.