univmd wrote:
The Maxum chassis is the Winnebago's chassis, which is basically a renamed Freightliner chassis. Thank you for review of test drive. I wondered if the Grand Tour was any good.
it may have been that particular unit..but only a few test drives will solidify it...
Kayteg1 wrote:
We must be pretty close as my house was shaken with 4.1 pretty badly.
Coming to vehicle quality, I will not start war here with motorhome names, but as a sample - I had ski buddy for years and we drove 180 miles to the resort changing the cars.
He was driving 1 year old Honda Accord with 20k miles, I was driving 12 years old Mercedes diesel with 300k miles.
He was really surprised how much smoother my Mercedes was running comparing to his Honda. When I was on back seat with more riders, we had to raise our voices to be hear on front in Honda.
The diesel in Mercedes could not be hear at freeway speeds
funny how the older car is the quieter one...Wonder if that holds true for Coaches as well...?
krivanj wrote:
Fleetwood and Monaco are now owned by ARV and the Fleetwood factory will service both. Monaco built some really nice coaches.
My Revolution has few rattles and drives like a dream on a Spartan chassis.
It is Winnebago that calls their chassis the Maxim. It is made by Freightliner.
Do you guys particularly like Freightliner...? Feels more like a 18 wheeler to me...Maybe i need to drive newer more tighter ones...?
krivanj wrote:
Fleetwood and Monaco are now owned by ARV and the Fleetwood factory will service both. Monaco built some really nice coaches.
My Revolution has few rattles and drives like a dream on a Spartan chassis.
It is Winnebago that calls their chassis the Maxim. It is made by Freightliner.
That's nice to know about the Spartan Chassis! Go 300!! lol
supercub wrote:
I'm over in the valley and just saw the news about the earthquake, didn't feel anything here.
Don't judge all RV's by those two test drives. My RV drives and rides very nicely. It's not as nice as a luxury car, but I would say it's very comparable to my SUV.
As far as the salesman telling you no one is out there to work on a Monaco.............gee, I wonder where all the Monaco, Safari, Holiday Rambler, National, Country Coach, Alpha, and others, that are no longer being built get work done..........obviously what he told you is not the case.
I think your right...Which RV do you own...? I'd love to find an SUV riding RV
bluwtr49 wrote:
Were the rattles in the Tiffin internal stuff or in the chassis.
Reason I ask is that my last MH, a Beaver PT was dead quite except it had mini blinds that rattled and squeaked. This coach is also dead quite and has MCD vs. the miniblinds but I can not quiet the occasional "clinking" from the wine glasses hanging in the bar. Also, almost every time we get underway after stopping for awhile, DW has to go on "noise" quest.
Point is, the rattles may be just loose gear, doors, or etc.
Thanks for pointing that out.. I will listen more carefully next time, but the majority could have been interior stuff...However, the steering wheel was like 45 degrees out of center, and I think the suspension took a hit somewhere down the line...
mike brez wrote:
It's kinda scary how quiet my 18 year old DP is going down the road.
You know I'm going to try and find Coaches on RVTrader like all of you own that responded...lol
Kayteg1 wrote:
you should ride in my 43 years old Prevost ;)
I hear air flow on worn gasket on front doors.
That's it Kayteg1 just keep rubbin' it in... Buddy...:D
That is really good to know...I really ned something smooth and dialed in. I have to start dialing in the Chassis I like. But since life still calls, it will take some time to find it...
Thanks for the encouragement. It's nice to know that htere are good ones out there...
Tom/Barb wrote:
Our Newmar will groan when you flex the chassis, but it doesn't rattle when going down the road. yes you will feel the pot holes, wash board roads and the expansion joints. It doesn't accelerate like a dragster, or stop like a sports car. but they don't weigh 28,000#.
the rattles we do get are from the stuff in the cabinets, and a pesky screen door that we were required to add rubber cushions to the door stops. but not a peep out of the house structure, windows, or the storage compartment doors. At 60-65 on the highway you can not hear the diesel, but when it shifts down and pulls hard we can. it tows the jeep so easy you wouldn't know it was there with looking in the back up camera.
That's great news! On the subject of engines, I think I liked the 450ISL. (i think that s what he called it) he said it had like 1250 lbs of torque... Nice engine. I can see wanting like 500 or 550...
the bear II wrote:
If it's cabinet rattles, those can be traced down and addressed by realigning doors and latches to fit better, adding foam or sound dampening material.
Chassis rattles are tougher...new shocks, springs from Deaver Springs and going through the underneath to make sure everything is tight and nothing is hitting the frame or other components when you hit rough patches. Common rattle maker is plumbing or exhaust system.
An alternative is a 5th wheel, most trucks now days are as quiet and comfortable as a Cadillac.
Thankyou for the info although 5th wheel isn't an even number so i will have to decline...:@ :W
rgatijnet1 wrote:
Most EMPTY RV's, gas or diesel, will rattle and will ride differently than when fully loaded for a trip. In addition the tires were probably inflated for a loaded RV instead of an empty coach.
Yes that could be.. One must always check the tire pressure, and in this case the alignment ads well
Ava wrote:
My twenty year old rig is also one with very few noises or rattles. I guess over the years you find any and deal with it. Happy trails Doug
What kind is yours? if i can ask
rjxj wrote:
Sun roof? Just what an RV needs.
i know right... gimme some massage/heated/cooled seats, with a footrest and ill be good...lol
DSDP Don wrote:
Two big issues.....empty RV and California roads.
I hate squeaks, rattles and noises and chase them when I hear them. You're going to get MCD shades banging if they're not set right or have foam bumpers. Rattling doors if not closed correctly, entertainment equipment not secured in overhead cabinets etc. I'm sure your coach has rattles and you probably chased many when you first got it.
Unless something is broken or literally falling off the coach, most will disappear when fully loaded and you rectified some of things that move around and make noise in every coach.
i love the picture in your signature.. thatsa nice RV... how do you like the 450 isl?
SCVJeff wrote:
rjxj wrote:
Sun roof? Just what an RV needs.
We stress over drilling holes for solar and coax, and what's the best sealant, then the manfacturer comes along with a Sawz-All
i heard that! I want the less possibility for water intrusion as a prioty... My windshield has more square footage than a small house and you feel the need to add a sunroof?? :S