Forum Discussion

devildog1971's avatar
Mar 07, 2018

The Adventure Begins

Thursday 08 March, unfortunately, late in the day (doctor appointment) I leave for Las Vegas, from Northwest Georgia. Then it is off to Oregon, escaping the doctors for a couple months will be a big plus also. I would like to thank those of you that helped answer my questions so I could get all necessary maintaince performed in a timely manner. My constant companion will be going with me and to be a 14 year old basset hound he is as excited as I am. I have given some thought to starting a "blog" instead of a diary, but that might be harder than getting the 40 foot Monaco ready. Some of you that started with truck campers might remember Wrinkles and I we traveled together that way for a good decade. I was told in 1997 I would not live another two years ( oh those doctors in my life again) but being allegedly permanently totally disabled now, (doctors told me that again) is not so bad. Wrinkles (the basset hound) and I would enjoy a wave if you see us on our way to Las Vegas, or our final destination Troutdale Oregon. Then a real slow trip back to Cave Spring, Georgia Semper Fi devildog1971
  • Don't bother going back to the east, stay over here in the west where you can either enjoy lots of sun in the winter, or shade of the pines in the summer.

    See ya on the road...
  • How are you able to travel the amazing Western US including Las Vegas and the NW and still have any desire to return to the East? That's some amazing Country you are about to visit. Wish we were there!
  • May I wish you many boring hours of driving and many amazing times when stopped.

  • Enjoy your travels. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses along the way.
  • May you have a fun, safe and trouble free journey.