Bill.Satellite wrote:
I don't understand what's happening here. You pay your storage place to do maintenance? They fill your tanks for you? Is this common stuff? My storage lot is literally a parking lot lol. I pay to store my RV there, that's it.
Are you allowed to use their water to fill up, or is it only available if you pay them to fill it for you?
Yeah, I don't get that part either. I see it's indoor storage but sounds like storage plus valet service.
That's what it sounds like to me. Not only are they performing "services" that are normally done by the owner, they are charging truck shop prices to do menial work. The going labor rate at truck shops in our area is $140.00 per hour for mechanical repairs. However they have a schedule for standard maintenance items that is considerably less expensive.
Charging $140.00 per hour to fill a water tank or change a water filter is outrageous. Then again if you're not willing or able to do it yourself you can't expect someone else to do it for free.
It's time to find a less expensive storage facility/valet service, or spend the money one time to install the needed conveniences at your home.
Our drive is about half the length of yours with no turn around option. Every time we bring the motorhome to the house we back it up the drive. To accomplish the tasks you are paying $140.00 an hour for we installed a 30 amp and 50 amp service, and water and sewer connections to the house systems.
In our case we hired an electrician to install the outlets, and I tapped into the sewer system in the garage to dump the tanks. Fresh water was available in the garage and at outdoor faucets. It takes about 100' of garden hose to go from the water source in the garage to the motorhome.
You can probably have the electrical and plumbing connections installed for $1,000.00 or less. That's a one time expense that would be recovered in a couple years or less if you're utilizing the "valet" service 3 or more times a year.