I have a woven mat that's 10 x 6 (I think) that I put outside the door to help eliminate dirt and dust from coming into the MH. I got it at CW, it folds up very nice for easy storage. I also have a old aluminum folding table that when boondocking I can wash dishes on outside with the spray faucet from my rear storage bay. I also use the table for festivals when having guest that tent outside the MH."good morning, coffee anyone?" sorry, washing dishes outside helps to keep my black water tank from filling up to soon, find out where you can do this and where you cant. I live in hurricane territory so even a severe thunder storm can knock out the power for a whole day sometimes more, I have a stove top coffee maker ,camp stove(propane) cooler, Colman lanterns (battery, propane, kerosene) a lot of other things have been mentioned in reply's from others you will find more! safe travels!