A bucket or collapsible bucket, several micro fiber towels, for inside and out and soap and extendable squeegie and bush or other Window cleaner but not Windex, for windshield.
A shoe cleaning mat for ground outside entry door. A smaller broom.
Couple of handheld radios, for backing in disconnecting, connecting, and general communication with each other.
Non slip rubber material for shelves.
Set, of keyed locks for tow bar to coach and towed.
If your coach uses jacks instead of leveling on tires, sections of two by 12s,for under tires, if needed for leveling. Good solid plastic pads for under jacks when you can get to it.
Water Freshner/bleach and spray bottle for campground water connections.
Spray can, of electrical connector cleaner, for possible campground connections need.
If house batteries are traditional lead acid, a watering system like CW sells. Connects all the cells of the batteries and checking level and adding water is just squeezing bulb.
Box or can, of purple or other plastic gloves, that diesel won't dissolve, for fueling and dirty chores like disconnecting towed.
A tool chest with parts boxes, for one, of the bays, for hose washers, water pressure connectors, electrical uses and every spare thing, on the coach.
Storage box and index dividers(folder not going to be enough) for the manuals and warranties and so on for coach.
A tire valve tool.The cores cn come loose and not much other way to tighten it.
Truck tire pressure gauge with both sides at 180 degrees. The 30 degree reverse side ones doesn't work well or at all with wheel holes on aluminum wheels on coaches.
Slide lube,dry kind or dries kind only. Spray silicone lube.