I have to agree with bobojay5 on the Chevy ride. It is as smooth as or smoother than an SUV, because of its longer wheelbase. If you pack stuff so that it doesn't rattle, the Chev is probably as quiet. Not many SUVs have a GVWR of 9600 lbs or 6.0 litre engines. Since 1996, we travel four to five months every summer and put on 10,000 to 15,000 miles, over the mountains, through narrow passes, down the valleys and across the plains, through the desert and sometimes the floods, but try and keep away from the snow. Chev does pick up cross wind currents, all high top vehicles do to some extent, but not anything serious.
Our bed is more comfortable than some of our relatives and friends guest beds. Never sleep in hotels, motels or the like, often sleep at Walmart, Casinos and occasional truck stop as well as National, State and Municipal parks. I cannot speak for the Sprinter versions, because I haven't slept in them.
I have been "gluten intolerant" for 55 years. We seldom eat out on the road, but I have a "mean" BBQ and DW is a microwave wizard. No pets.