A lot of good suggestions so far.First off look for a floor plan you can live with. When I was looking for my next RV I had a few things that I wanted and did not.
I wanted to stay under 30ft so I could park at home and also be able to get into most everywhere that I wanted to go to. The one I ended up with was a Tioga 26Q. It measures out at about 27 ft. I have not yet found a place yet that it would not fit,it does take up 2 parking spaces in a lot with room on each end,all the national and state parks that I have been to it has fit.
The things I wanted was a fixed rear bed,I do not want to climb up into a cab over or have a jackknife sofa that made into a bed,had one in my last RV, they are terrible to sleep on and have to be made up each morning to have your RV back,also did not want a corner bed,they are hard to make and very hard to get into and out of.
I also did not want any slides,they add weight and cut into your carrying capacity,also they may or may not have problems but it was one less thing that I had to worry about.
As I said I got what I wanted with the fixed rear walk around on 2 sides bed,large storage area and a size that fit all my needs.
I would also suggest if you can get one that you like on a
Chevy Chassis that would be a plus.
I did end up with what I wanted after a long and exhaustive search,it may be a
Former Rental but I am happy with my choice as more than
100 other owners are.
Good Luck in your search for that RV that will fit all your needs.