DSDP Don wrote:
Just about every base level TT on the market offers an outside kitchen.....I don't see how that makes Thor innovative, they're just trying to hook people on gadgets so they don't look at the crummy construction.
I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but don't expect to try and sell savvy RVer's on some junk motor home so you can justify your want for one! We all have opinions and many are often wrong, but when it comes to Thor, they're mass producing low quality products.
Never saw such a condescending post. What a jerk!. I take personal offense to calling my MH "junk". We love our ACE and wouldn't consider it junk at all. It's an entry level MH and no worse than any of the other offerings I've seen from any manufacturer. Including Newmar. I walked through quite a few Bay Stars and Canyon stars and frankly the famed build quality escaped me. Wall joints pulling away, same plastic faux metal faucets that were so wobbly it would fall off looking at it, bubbles in the flooring, blinds pulled away, mis aligned bin doors, and I am not sure what sort of Amish are building the cabinets but all I saw was lauan veneered cabinet walls and cheap glides. I pulled on a window shade and it fell off!. So don't play holier than thou, your brand makes junk if anyone else does. Many of us buy what we can afford and are still just as happy with it. I have had zero major issues with either ACE I have owned, Thor has some of the best customer service I have ever dealt with, they are a company that gets copied quite a lot, and for the money I think the ACE has it all over the competition. It's entry level but it's certainly not junk. Haters gonna hate but people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Everyone is always ready to bash Thor, But I would challenge you to walk in several brands of entry level MH's without knowing which one you were in and tell me the brand. You can't. I did this at the last Hershey show with a couple who was shopping and who knows MH's and they couldn't tell one brand from another based on build quality. Everyone always brags about how their brand is better and it isn't. I can pick apart any single one and there is plenty of issues to go around if you look on other forums. Invite me into your unit and I will quickly dispel your perceived better build quality. Lemmings.