Forum Discussion

10by32's avatar
Jan 09, 2015

Thoughts on 2000 Damon Challenger 330

May have the opportunity to pick up a 2000 Damon Challenger 330 and would be interested in the thoughts from those of you who may have a Challenger close to that age. Would be very interested in your overall satisfaction. If we decide to pursue I know I will need to thoroughly check out this particular unit so the question is really more general on thoughts of the product line for that particular age.

Thanks in advance for the help.
  • Yes, provide more information and we can give better advice.

    What chassis?

    How many miles?

    Signs of water damage/delamination?

    With that age coach, maintenance through the years will be as important as initial build quality.
  • What chassis is it on? If the 330 means the Cat engine on a Freightliner chassis then that would be a plus in my book.
  • Just wondering. Should I interpret the lack of replies to mean there aren't many of these around or that not much can be said about them in a positive manner?