Mr.Mark wrote:
Jim and Monica, have you thought about a late model Honda CR-V? The 2015's are not towable since they have the new redesigned transmissions in them.
I did not have good luck with two Jeeps that I owned. Both were new at the time and had to be towed to the dealer on numerous occasions under warranty. I'm sure that the newer Jeeps are better (hope so).
We had a 2007 Honda CR-V and now a 2013. We'll have to think of what we will go to next once I trade the '13 in a few years.
Side note: My 94 yr. old Dad inherited his brother's 2002 Impala.... long story short, I had to put it in my name. It has about 81,000 miles. We just got a recall notice for the ignition switch. Can you believe that? 13 yrs. from new and they are just now realizing a defect?
Good luck,
Yes we've been searching for a CR-V locally but have not been successful, especially trying to find one loaded. We've always had Hondas & VW's and we've never been left on the side of the road. I'll keep looking