I pull in to a parking place and level the coach while I am still in the driver's seat. Once that is done I shut down the engine and go out to plug in to the electric. I then come inside and extend the slides and push the button for the Satellite antenna. When done the total time is usually 10 minutes or less. 5 minutes if it is raining.
The only time I hook up to park water is to fill my fresh water tank and the only time I hook up the sewer line is to dump my waste tanks. My coach came with a water pump and large storage tanks so I use them as they were designed. That means I only have to hook up to those items once every 8-10 days. Even then I can take care of those things at my leisure, not after I have driven all day.
Now if the OP has a portable satellite dish, and hooks up water and sewer at each stop, and he puts his sewer line on one of those hose supporting contraptions, and extends the awning with all of the lights and hanging plants, lays out ground cover and sets up the patio furniture, then I can envision a longer set up time. I've seen others taking 30-45 minutes just to set up their portable satellite antenna for HD service.
It all boils down to priorities. Setting up the basics takes a few minutes. Setting up a lot of extraneous items takes longer.