Professional Torque Multiplier The above link is what I use in my shop when I have to remove a tire. I have a 5 horse upright Ingersoll Rand air compressor but only a HD 1/2 icnh impact. The x12 is overkill but when we had our Bluebird it had Budd wheels and you need a means of holding the inside stud while undoing the lug nut. The x12 was built for that purpose. I will not change a tire on the side of the road. I carry that X12 with me when we travel in Mexico. if the tire guy cannot get the lug nits off I let him use my wrench. The most dangerous place to be is on the side of the road. Tow truck drivers, police and emergency personnel get killed that way all the time. I call CoachNet and let a Pro do the job. If you do not carry a spare ( very few do) you will need road service to change the tire anyway!