3 dog nights wrote:
OK, I'm a newbie. I searched the history and found a lot of comments about tire covers, but no reason for tire covers. Why do i want tire covers? the sun is on the tires of everything I own and have owned for 65+ years, never had a problem. Why do I think this is something "they" need to sell, not that I need to buy???
assuming your 65+ years involve vehicles used every day or at least very often...the oils in the tires rise to the surface of the tire with regular use. I'm told UV damage in those cases is not as severe and the tires wear out before damage can be done. in general, an RV sits more than it moves. that keeps the oils from rising to the surface and UV damage can occur more quickly. if you move your RV every day to every few days, much like a car, you're probably OK. lots of information about this with a
https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=&oq=why+do+i+need+to+cover+my+rv+tires%3f&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGRP_enUS499US500&q=why+do+i+need+to+cover+my+rv+tires%3f&gs_l=hp...0j0i22i30l4. google search.