Licreek wrote:
So how much do inflations vary? Is the average 100lbs? Before I get a weight should I run at max?
You should start by airing to a pressure that will show you a very slight bulge at the bottom of the tire.(cold)
Then there is a reliable method of determining your required tire pressure.
Knowing your tires will heat when under inflated, you simply start with a pressure that you know isn't over inflated, and test. (or your first hour on the road in the morning) then see if the tires are heating. they should never get too hot to touch, but should get warm as your hand.
If the tires are running cold, and you believe they ride hard, lower the pressure a little and repeat.
continue these temp checks at every stop, you will figure out what pressure your tires need to give the best ride but not over heat.
Never adjust your pressure during the day except to add pressure to make them run cooler.
TPMS will allow you to monitor the temps and pressure, which is handy when doing the tests to see which pressure is best for the coach you have.
I have noticed that my 22.5X10:00 Michelins will have the slightest bulge at the bottom when cold first thing in the morning, but that will disappear when warm.
I Find on my coach 95-100 is the best pressure.
Also, inspect your rims, they will have the maximum pressure allowed stamped on them. never exceed that pressure. (my aluminum wheels that is 120 psi)