Forum Discussion

Licreek's avatar
Feb 24, 2018

Tire inflations

Hello, I wondered how everyone handles tire inflations? I was at the rv show in Dallas yesterday and bought a tire pressur monitor but I still need valve stem extentions, then I guess I have to buy a compressor? This all seams very labor intensive. Is this what everyone is doing or am I over thinking tire pressure? Is there somewhere to take the rig to get air checked and adjusted. My last question regards tire pressure. I have a 36' diesel pusher. I have 6 tires on the ground. My tire inflation guide on the wall next to the driver seat shows the tire sizes and under inflations on front and rear it just says max inflation 100lbs. Is it ok and safe to keep all tires inflated to 100lbs. Is there a good average inflation? So that my tire questions. Thank you, Lee
  • A tire pressure monitor system is just that, a means of monitoring your tire pressures, nothing more. Having your tire pressures monitored constantly versus periodic checks is a safety issue. If you want to pay someone to check and adjust your tire pressures when needed, that's up to you, and most tire shops that service trucks will do it for you. On the other hand, many of us do have a compressor on board so we can do it ourselves whenever and wherever it's needed, just as some of us do our own oil changes, etc.

    As for your tire inflation pressures, the best way to set them is to know what your four corner weights, or at least axle weights, are with the coach fully loaded with full tanks, etc., for travel. Using those weights and the tire manufacturer's load ratings, you can find the optimum settings for your conditions. Until then go with the settings on the on the wall.