lanerd wrote:
Effy... you're a senior member and have been around here for a long time and I'm sure you've read many a posts that deal with this subject. You're sounding like a newbie!:E You are obviously aware that weighing your coach is a must, to determine the correct air pressure...guessing that 5 - 8 pounds won't make any difference is just that...a guess. Come on, you're giving us senior members a bad name.:W
Go to any big truck stop....Flying J, Pilot, T/A, Loves, ect... and they will have a scale that you can use for a nominal fee. Usually the local dump will have a scale (but won't provide you with written results) and will do it for free. Moving companies.....Mercury, Nationwide, Atlas, Allied.... will also have scales. For others just check your yellow pages or google for your town. It's not that difficult.
Hey man, cut a fella some slack, I can try and fly under the radar once in a while can't I? I have stopped taking my meds.. maybe that's having an impact.
In all seriousness as much as I hate to admit it, you guys are right. I should weigh it and do it right. I know. Maybe I was just hoping a lot of you would jump on the happy pill train and say sure - rainbows will fly out of your muffler if you lower psi.
I get it.
Set up something to weigh and see what min can be. I plan on lowering it if I can and be in the threshold. That f53 will rattle your bones on bad road. Wife won't let me get a pusher, just about died on that hill a few times. I can't bring it up again for a while.