Daveinet wrote:
Effy wrote:
Too much pressure can cause problems too. It might mitigate a blowout, but it can reduce surface area of the tire and cause handling issues.
If you look at the contact patch on an overinflated tire, it makes very little difference in the size compared to weight matched inflation. Because of the belts, the tire doesn't stretch much, so basically the contact patch only changes longitudinally. Under hard braking, you are putting a lot more weight on the front end, which is going to change your contact patch anyway, so optimum braking traction would require over inflation. Not sure when the last time you have slid your motorhome sideways in a corner, or done burnouts, but if I had to guess, traction within reason is not your highest priority. That is why everyone fills according to the tables and then adds some fudge factor, so they know they will be OK.
Some thoughts: What size tires are you running and do you have the option of going to a nylon belted tire, rather than steel? Nylon will be much more flexible and have a softer ride for the same air pressure. The tire is also lighter, which will help as well. About the only real advantage to steel belted tires is they have less tread squirm, which improves the wear, but they are more expensive, so it kind of comes out in the wash.
Once you settle on what inflation you are going to use, it may be time to start a second thread requesting what people have done to their F53s to improve the ride. Make sure you also ask what year, because the F53 has evolved over the years, and the newer chassis do not ride as stiff as the older ones did. If I had to guess, half your battle is the fact that you have a chassis that can handle a lot more weight than your coach. Your coach is going to be unique on that regard, so you will have to filter the responses that you get. The early 2000s and older have added air bags, which raises the height to a softer part of the spring travel. I'm guessing that probably would not help in your case. From everything I have read, and instinctively I would start with shocks. The next thing I would look into would be Sulastic shackles. They may not list anything for an F53, but sometime ago, I had contacted them, and they pretty much said they could make/adapt anything. They also fit your criteria of cheap.
thanks dave, good info. I do the occasional burnout and donuts in the local walMart, they like the smoke show - Kidding.
You are right in one regard, my coach weight. One of the uneducated reasons I landed on the ACE was that it was considerably lighter than any other in it's compeition range. Initially I thought this would be a benefit. Daydreaming of easier handling and higher MPG. WRONG!. turns out, as you mentioned, lighter is not better. Especialy on the F53. I guess I havevery little unsprung weight (unless that's backward). So my spring compression is minimal and rebound fast and hard. = harsh road feedback. I thought about spring compression kit but that thought is about as far as my meager knowledge of suspension systems will carry me. Airbags?