Effy wrote:
I know, I know, this has been brought back more times than the living dead. My question is very simple. My tires on my 16k# coach are Goodyear g670s. I like them. The sticker inside says to run them at 83 psi. And I do. But the ride is rough. Smooth on smooth roads but hit a pothole or concrete road and the feedback will rattle your teeth. My coach is light and in talking with my dealer he says I can run as low as 75 psi to soften it up. Looking at Goodyear’s rating table, there is a marginal difference in weight at the wheel between 85 and 75 PSI. Talking 300 lbs. Now I have never weighed all 4 corners and doubt I ever will. I mean a very small change in weight at a corner is so small, it might be attributed to filling up with gas or emptying the tanks, to loading the refer or a cooler. Not to mention shifted weight. Heck even a person moving around. That’s a constant in RV’s. So my question, to soften the ride, can one safely reduce the psi 5-8 ? Now I will say the gap between my duals is about 1.5”. It would scare me a bit to lower this too much as I know I don’t want these to rub. I know I’ll get a ton of blasts about how unsafe all this is without weighing and breaking out an abacus. But I can tell you I will run different psi in my truck depending if I am hauling, going on a trip etc. Changing Psi 5-8 really does not seem to be a big deal based on road feel. I mean I have to imagine it changes that much on its own going from hot to cold climates, low to high elevations etc. Blast away.
All this and you still haven't weighed your coach? No need to weigh all four corners, either, but do weigh each axle. Then use the chart and add 10-15psi for a cushion and to take care of all the variables when traveling all over. If that's more than you're running now, so be it and I wouldn't even think about taking a chance on blowing a tire, no matter how rough the ride might be. Might be looking into an alternative though, if it was all that bad.