Forum Discussion

PeoriaKen's avatar
Dec 17, 2013

Tire Pressure Monitor system

I am ordering the TireTraker 10 wheel Monitor system. My Vacationer is 38' 6" long. Will I need the signal boost also to pick up toad tires sensors?
  • artguys wrote:
    Eyes on...hands on, with a professional guage/Dill or Schrader, is the best approach to maintaining proper tires pressures. These systems work when properly installed and maintained, that being a requirement by the owner. But the average user treats these as fail safe units.
    Iv'e tested these types of systems and have found they require as much attention as just checking the tires one at a time manually. They are subject to failure as any mechanical device would be. Contact your nearest Meyers Tire Supply and buy a professional tire guage. And while traveling check tires at each stop. On this site and many others blow outs are a too often mentioned theme. Most blow outs are a consequence of neglect rather that product failure or road hazard issues.

    Wrong answer.

    You check the tire pressure all you want and it won't be close to the protection a TPMS will give you. The reason being when you pull out onto the road you can cut a tire and maybe not notice it till damage is done. Get the monitor and know instantly when a tire is going down.
  • Eyes on...hands on, with a professional guage/Dill or Schrader, is the best approach to maintaining proper tires pressures. These systems work when properly installed and maintained, that being a requirement by the owner. But the average user treats these as fail safe units.
    Iv'e tested these types of systems and have found they require as much attention as just checking the tires one at a time manually. They are subject to failure as any mechanical device would be. Contact your nearest Meyers Tire Supply and buy a professional tire guage. And while traveling check tires at each stop. On this site and many others blow outs are a too often mentioned theme. Most blow outs are a consequence of neglect rather that product failure or road hazard issues.
  • Possibly, but whether or not YOU will need an extender depends on your rig. If it's a matter of $$, then see what it's like without it. If it's not, get it. Your length is right on the edge of needing one. If you don't need it, you might be able to return it.