You'll want to get the solid metal stems from Tireman or Borg if you want to run TPMS, extensions won't handle the extra spinning mass attached. We have a TPMS set from
TST truck, 4 flow through sensors for the back and 2 regular for the front. The flow through sensors allow air to be added to the tire without removing the sensor. They work well, and sensors normally transmit to the base unit every 5 minutes, so it will take up to 5 minutes to get a complete readout for all 6 tires. If there is a rapid pressure loss then the sensor will transmit immediately to allow the audible alarm feature of the base unit to trigger rapidly.
A sensor malfunction will cause a false trigger which will lead to you having to quickly pull over and verify it. So far we have not had any actual tire failures.
DW will check the base unit pressure and temperature periodically and so we get a good sense of how much the tires heat up and increase in pressure while driving in the summer and differences between inner and outer rear tires. The rear tires being at 80 psi usually run cooler than the fronts at 65 psi even though the rears have a heavier load. The rears will increase up to 92 psi hot and 102F. Fronts go up to 72 psi and 110F. The minimum settable temperature trigger on the base unit is 155F or so the tires must be relatively cool.
We only use the TPMS on long trips, for short trips I'll check the pressure with a tire gauge or the "thumb gauge" on the sidewall and monitor temperature with a infrared thermometer.