The pressure advice is made for 18dgrC/65dgrF so if you fill , and outside temp is for instance 100 dgr F /37dgrC you have to fill to higher pressure . then if during the trip the temperature drops, the cold pressure drops too, but then cooling of tire is better so more energy, produced by the more deflection by that lower pressure, gives still no to high temperature of sertain area's of the tire.
If this system is totally in line , I dont know ( yet) but if you determine the needed cold pressure with some reserve this will cover the misbalance.
So asume your detemined needed cold pressure for 18dgr C/ 65degr F and when checking and filling cold , re-calculate that pressure for the ambiënt temp at that moment, by means of rule of tumb or using my made spreadsheet.
Things like sunshine on tire can highen the inside tire, so be ware of that. Then inside tire temp is not outside tire temp, wich is the meaning of cold filling. then pressure is higer because of the higher temp inside tire.