holstein13 wrote:
What happens when you get to the rest stop and notice your tires look a little low? Did someone fool with your tire? What do you do? In your case, I guess you'll sit there and wait until morning to fill them. After all, you don't want to "out think" any tire engineers, do you? In my case, I'll fill it to the proper heat adjusted pressure and move on, safe in the knowledge that the pressures will be perfect and will remain perfect even the next day.
You may fill your tires in accordance with good engineering theory. I fill mine in accordance with good engineering reality.
In my case, since I checked my tires when cold, before I got on the road, if I noticed a tire that was LOW at the first rest stop, I would know I have a problem with that tire. I may put air in it to get to a service center, but I certainly would not ASSUME that the tire was now safe and would remain safe/perfect the next day. If it was a dual, I would also be concerned about the other dual that had to take up the additional weight to compensate for the tire that was low.