I disagree that 4 point weighing is not important. While knowing the total axle weight is a good starting point, knowing if one side is heavier than the other is more important. The reason I say this is because you must inflate the tires on the same axle to the weight required to support the heaviest point. If the right rear is 8000# and the left rear is 10,000# then both tires must be inflated to the recommended inflation for 10,000#. That's a pretty big exaggeration but left and right weights can vary a good bit. This weighing also gives you the opportunity to move heavy stuff from one side to the other to help keep the coach in as balanced a situation as possible.
You do not want to over inflate or under inflate any of your tires to get the maximum use and comfort (over inflated tires make your RV ride like a tank!). You do want to inflate your tires to the "right" pressure and no one can tell you what that is until you have the coach properly weighed.