Whatever your final tire decision, confirm with the tire shop before they start the work that they'll have the necessary tire valve stems - preferably by far, metal ones - for your wheels, in the length you prefer. In January, I had all six tires replaced on my RV. The truck tire manager at the tire shop inspected the valve stems and said they all looked OK, but it turned out the two fronts were too funky for re-use. I now have one valve stem that sticks out past the tire, all ready to get knocked off if I lose an argument with a curb, and one that's just the right length to make installing a tire pressure monitoring system valve cap/sender impossible (if I decide to do that later). I've got a Mercedes-based RV, and Mercedes requires oddball valve stems; you may not have an issue with your rig (Ford, right?). But check and be certain.
I've purchased the right length stems, from Borg, and the tire shop's going to put them on for no charge; but it's an extra trip to the next town over (although it is close to the Habitat ReStore, so I can go treasure hunting). I'm currently waiting for the backyard to dry out a little - which it's not going to do soon, since we're continuing to get rain every couple of days - so I can be confident about getting the RV out and back in.