mmiille wrote:
Is a four year warranty good? They last longer than that don't they?
It all depends on how well
you take care of them. Proper inflation at all times, don't hit any road hazards or curbs, and protecting them from the UV and other environmental hazards. Many claim to change them out on a 6 or 7 year time period. Some people change out 2 at a time every other year. Some claim to get 10 years out of the high line RV tires, but many are leery of pushing them that long because of the coach damage they can inflict when they blow out! But what actually comes out in the wash is how well you take care of them!!! And most RVers are lax at taking care of their tires.
Oh, your question about the warranty. Read the warranty fine print. It is not set up to offer you much protection, with so many exclusions. You are at the mercy of the dealer who is adjusting the tire. Plus you have to haul the "defective" tire back to a dealer. Many don't want to mess with that heavy tire and let the ERS take care of it.