While there are legal 'loopholes' that could save you some money, most often your vehicles should be registered in the State you claim as your RESIDENT State. Your resident state will be the one where you have a preponderance of your correspondence, such as bank accounts, voter registration, driver's license, etc. Home ownership is not one of the requirements. I own homes in several States, but none in South Dakota, of which I'm a resident.
I would be very careful of telling your insurance agent less than the truth with a wink....that wink could result in a claim denial later on.
If you are going to remain a resident of South Carolina, then get off your butt and go down to the motor vehicle department and the tax collector's office and do your research. Folks here on this and other forums, while meaning well, may not provide you with the correct information. Research and verify!
We were residents of California when I decided to retire. I did my research, bought my coach in Arizona, and saved a bundle by registering it in South Dakota. (9 3/4% vs 3%) In order for me to do that though, I had to transfer my residency to SD which I started in January with my scheduled retirement date of July 4th. I can sleep well at night knowing the California Tax man can never knock on my door....again, my advice to you, research and verify....Dennis