Forum Discussion

Mody_n_Domy's avatar
Jan 23, 2014

To buy a dash camera or not

Last week we had a driver run a red light and make a right turn and hit the front right front of our MH. A person witnessed the accident and left their name and number. The other driver stated they had the green light however our witness stated their light was red. With out the witness it would have been their word against mine. I have been looking at dash cams and was wondering what you that have them recommend. I have been looking at the Security System dash cam for $290 its a little $$$ but it can playback using its own screen.
  • Dash Cams at Amazon and ebay for under fifty bucks.

  • Purchased a HD720P HD DVR dash cam over a year ago for under $80. Takes a SD memory card (purchased separately). Small price to pay for the added insurance just in case of an accident. Too many close calls from people cutting me off when changing lanes.
  • I bought a Genius FHD 590 and it provides a good video if you need it, or if you have some great scenery that you would like to keep.
  • Look at the G0-Pro, also. More than the price you quoted , but you get what you pay for.
  • I don't have one but, I plan on installing one on our Southwind.
    We almost got head on a couple years ago.

    Did you check Ebay for Dash Cams