I have to agree with most posters here that the majority of the "information" not surprisingly comes from manufacturers selling tow brakes. The NSA map below - as an example - shows that to be 3k lb in MD. Now I live in MD and there is no law requiring brakes towing a car, what we do have is laws for trailers. But a car is not a trailer as defined in the MD law. So it's not only misleading, it's wrong with respect to towing a car. (Mine is an NSA by the way and a very good product) Also as others stated, very few local LEO's are going to know the towing law and be able to properly cite you for it. As far as the doom and gloom crowd that claim you will be sued for everything you and your future generations own if you are in an accident without a braking system, it's a lot of conjecture and I can't say I've ever seen any evidence to support a decision in a case based on the lack of a tow braking system. I've asked several times from those that claim this and to date, nothing. Not saying it doesn't happen, but at least not as a default judgment as some might scare you into believing. All that said, I wouldn't tow another vehicle without a braking system. I mean, why not? For the small cost (compared to the car or your MH) and time it takes to hook it up, it's a no brainer. They help a good bit with slowing the vehicle down and it's just plain safer to have it. If something is worth doing (like towing a car) then it's worth doing it right.