Sorry to hear you may have given it up prematurely. Some close, second opinions may be helpful. I’m not sure a smaller rig or back roads are safer.
My role model is an 84-year-old couple that bought a brand new 42’ motorhome and drove across country to a rally in 4 days. She was limping because of breaking her leg snow skiing the previous winter.
My question is what else do you do activity wise to help remain sharp? Not into video games but that may help your reflexes?
Guess I’m one of the luckier ones 77 I still fly our plane but I usually take another pilot with me, not to fly the airplane as long as I am still alive but if I croak, it would be a shame to ruin a perfectly good airplane. I still run my heavy equipment that takes pretty good eye hand coordination and quick reflexes. 12+ hours behind the wheel are still easy, so I have no plans of going smaller or giving it up anytime soon.
*PS: I still go straight through Atlanta.