Executive wrote:
I've seen a lot of 30 year olds that shouldn't be driving let alone driving a motor home. :) Coming back from California this past week, I was passed by a 30 something in a truck pulling about a 32' trailer. I was doing 80mph, (in my car, we didn't take the moho) and he passed me like I was sitting still. I would estimate just a bit shy of 100mph....age isn't the only thing that makes for dangerous drivers.....Dennis
I don't think anyone has said he should lose his license because he turned 80. But the fact is if you take an average of 100 - 30yr old drivers and 100- 80yr old drivers, the 30yr old drivers will have far better response times...in particular the lower variance the groups is likely to be wildly worse for the 80yr olds, so it's far more effective to be watching and assessing this group if the goal is to get dangerous drivers off the road.
If the OP's cognitive and physical abilities are still good, no reason to take his license away but if they are seriously degraded, I would hope he does the right thing and stops driving on his own before someone has to force him.
As far as a guy doing 100mph towing a 30ft TT, there is a different mechanism to address that. Get caught by a cop and that's likely to pull a reckless driving ticket. Very expensive and is frequently a prelude to losing your license.