DutchmenSport wrote:
rockhillmanor wrote:
cmcdar wrote:
...NOTE: We were the ONLY campers in the shelter/restrooms. I am not sure what goes on in other peoples heads but sitting in a camper in high winds, hail, T Storms, Tornado Watches/Warnings, is not for me. - to each his own.
Kinda funny but could have been real deadly.
Approaching tornado at Tom Sawyers CG. I moved my MH off the river bank immediately. Didn't want to be upside down in my MH floating down the great Mississippi when it hit!
I went to the back of the CG and saw a TT with the truck still attached to it. Wife and hubby outside of it arguing about whether to go to the storm shelter or not.
Hubby goes back into TT and slams the door. Incredible winds start and I watched in total disbelief when his wife disconnects the truck from the TT and heads on down to the shelter.
That storm hit and in a nano second it flipped that TT right over!! We got the guy out and he was ok. he thought the tornado got his truck....no one wanted to tell him his DW took it. :C
If it wasn't so sad, that really is a funny story! As a written story it very funny, and almost poetic justice! But I know in real life it was horrible for this family.
Still, it made me smile!
Fortunately, all survived and hopefully a lesson was learned. It could have ended tragically as did the basically minor rv accident where the father was killed because he refused to where a seatbelt.
Foolish pride can be deadly.