Towing on dolly:
Hook up dolly including dolly brakes and safety cables (3 of 'em)
Line up towed PRECISELY
Park on dolly
Strap down
Double check strap
Hook up safety chains
Hook up tow lights (Dolly and you really should have them on the car as well)
Drive a few miles
Re-check straps
Get to campground, un-chain and un-strap, Back car off (unhook lights)
Stow trailer
Pull up close as you can easily get. Exact center exactly straight not a problem if you have telescoping tow bars, Put car in park
Hook up tow bars (2) Lights and brakes (1) Safety cables (3) take car out of park and put in neutral, if you can remove key and lock doors (Leave in OFF but not LOCKED position)
Get to camnpground. put back in park, Unhook fold bars and hook on latch on MH, drive car normally.