Are you looking for suggestions?
I prefer the ready brute elite tow bars for a few reasons, the brake is integrated so there is no install/uninstall of the brake each time you tow, it's all mechanical so nothing pneumatic or electrical to fail, it's telescoping so it's easy to hook up even if you're not perfect in your line-up, it's heavy duty and NSA really stands behind their product.
I used Blue ox base plates - they seemed to be the easiest fit for our CRV.
For lights, I used a setup that actually installs an independent set of lights in the existing brake light housing and connects directly to the motorhome. Install was a little more involved but it's completely independent of the car's electrical system, so no diodes, battery disconnect, or anything intrusive to the cars existing wiring. It's a straight connection from the MH to the bulbs and it's invisible.
This setup allows me to hook up to tow in less than a minute. Hook the bars, safety cable, plug in the lights and clip the brake cable and done. I literally have to wait for the CRV's required 3 minute idle prior to towing.