fortytwo wrote:
Desert Captain, Tow Haul is far different than locking out overdrive. I found overdrive lockout to be useful for slowing approaching a stoplight, but really minimally effective in slowing my 25,500 pound class A and toad on downgrades of 6% or more (fortunately the F-53 chassis has great brakes). Haven't used the tow haul on a downgrade yet, but it is much more effective in slowing the Freelander on level roads.
You really should read my post before trying to tell me I am wrong. I wrote:
"On long down hills the TH really shines. I can run down a 12 mile 6% grade with the TH engaged and virtually never have to touch the brake pedal. It will hold me at 50-55 in fourth gear(I have the 5 speed Torque Shift trans), and a single tap of the brake pedal will drop it down in to third for increased braking (control) should the grade get steeper. The best part is you are not burning a drop of fuel all the way to the bottom. If you don't have TH you can get similar results by locking out O/D."
{As you can see I never said that TH and O/D were the same}.
You will get "similar results" on long down grades by locking out O/D, saving wear and tear on your brakes much like utilizing TH. For folks without TH this is a viable option. When you lock out O/D you have eliminated 4th gear (on a 4 speed trans), and that will effectively contribute to greater control and less required brake pedal.
When towing anything naturally you must use more brake pedal to activate your trailer/toad's braking system but the proper use of TH or O/D will improve overall braking dramatically.
As always.... Opinion s and YMMV.