Forum Discussion

KD4UPL's avatar
Oct 11, 2021

Towing 6,500 pounds with a class C

I have a family of 5. I want a Class C that can tow my boat which, fully loaded on the trailer, is about 6,500 pounds. We would go to lakes around VA and WV so mountains will be involved.
What I'd really like is one of the Super C motor homes built on the Chevy Kodiak chassis but they are rare and the newest ones are 2009. I see some Class C motor homes with 14,500 pound GVWR and a 22,000 GCWR leaving 7,500 pounds of tow capacity.
I'm looking for anyone who tows this much with one of these rigs. How does it handle? Are you up against (or over) the GVWR even without the trailer?
My suspicion is that loading a 14,500 GVWR Class C for a two week trip with a family of 5 is going to probably put it at or over GVWR anyway. I'm guessing that hooking 6,500 pounds on the hitch will be pushing the limits of the rig to the maximum.

By the way, I don't want a Class A. They just aren't set up for families with no overhead bunk. Also, it would drive me crazy not having a drivers' door when hitching, unhitching, launching, retrieving the boat, and getting fuel.
My crew cab dually with truck camper worked great for towing but with a family of 5 it was just too small. I wish they made TCs with bunk beds.
  • KD4UPL wrote:
    I have a family of 5. I want a Class C that can tow my boat which, fully loaded on the trailer, is about 6,500 pounds. We would go to lakes around VA and WV so mountains will be involved.
    What I'd really like is one of the Super C motor homes built on the Chevy Kodiak chassis but they are rare and the newest ones are 2009. I see some Class C motor homes with 14,500 pound GVWR and a 22,000 GCWR leaving 7,500 pounds of tow capacity.
    I'm looking for anyone who tows this much with one of these rigs. How does it handle? Are you up against (or over) the GVWR even without the trailer?
    My suspicion is that loading a 14,500 GVWR Class C for a two week trip with a family of 5 is going to probably put it at or over GVWR anyway. I'm guessing that hooking 6,500 pounds on the hitch will be pushing the limits of the rig to the maximum.

    By the way, I don't want a Class A. They just aren't set up for families with no overhead bunk. Also, it would drive me crazy not having a drivers' door when hitching, unhitching, launching, retrieving the boat, and getting fuel.
    My crew cab dually with truck camper worked great for towing but with a family of 5 it was just too small. I wish they made TCs with bunk beds.

    I think diesel/Super C is your only safe option. You'll get more GVWR for the 5 people load, and plenty of hitch GCWR for the boat. If you exceed either GVWR/GCWR with any combination, you're endangering yourself and others. Go big, or stay home with a big diesel class C.
    Agree about the class A, I can't iamgine trying to maneuver one at a boat ramp/launch. It might be possible, but not a great option.
    • Kristopher528's avatar

      For the money, look at getting a used F-350 with a Lance Camper you can remove or tow with. I use a Chevy 2500HD crew cab for the family with 4x4 for getting up/down the moss covered boat ramps, + 2020 Striper 200 Walk Around fishing boat loaded with gear and fuel around 6000 lbs. I am right at the max on my limits of the Chevy 2500 but it works for flat towing to and from the boat ramp. I even have to back up my boat to my driveway off a steep hill at around 6% grade with some tricks but it works (I have to use a C-clamp on my boat trailer to keep the pin on the brakes from falling out when the boat weight pushes the tongue forward. I have not found a way to do it by electrically disengaging my trailer brakes otherwise they will lock up and I cannot back up a hill.