First off, earlier Jeeps SUCKED in quality of ride in the first place. CJs were as close to CAVEMAN operations as possible. Any lifting and alterations, REALLY made them worse. YJ models, were only marginally better as, they too still had leaf spring suspension which, is a poor suspension operation anyways.
Then the "TJ" came along. That was a LIGHT YEAR advance for the Jeeping planet. It sports a coil spring suspension which, is phenomenally better than leaf springs. But, being that it's STILL A JEEP, and, even with that kind of suspension, it's still rides marginally better than a rock.
I say that because, as many of you already know, there's only a few ZILLION cars/trucks/anything, that rides much better and more civilized than a Jeep out there. But, based on the numbers you see on a day to day drive in America, zillions of people use them as daily drivers. And, when modifications take place, most of the time, the somewhat average ride of bone stock jeep, goes down hill from there.
So, if the OP is Jeep-wise, he will realize that, while not as stable and "agile" as bone stock can supply, a lifted one will work and, get him down the road, with moderate changes in quality.
I personally have never even sat in a "JK" Jeep. I've been told that they ride even better than the TJ. Someday, we'll take one out for ride and see for ourselves, if, any improvement is realized over all other Jeeps we've owned.
Now, if you're not used to Jeeps and, the operational characteristics, and, you purchase one that is BONE STOCK, and get accustomed to it's ride then, MODIFY IT BY LIFTING IT, even moderately like 3" lift, you may think you're sitting on the moon and, are riding dangerously sloppy.