Forum Discussion

BAMAchubby's avatar
Apr 11, 2014

Towing Buick Enclave

I have A coachman Mirada 34 BH. I also have a Buick Enclave. It weighs on the scale exactly five thousand pounds. The tow rating is 5000 pounds for the Mirada. am i right to not try and tow the Enclave with the Mirada. I just don't think that I should push the limit of the Max tow capacity
  • Your right at the limit. But the manufacturer's do build in a safety limit, plus the lawyers input. You should be fine towing 4 down. If $ aren't a factor then go for a lighter vehicle just because. I wouldn't.
  • That is a little heavy for your MH. Yes it could be done but 5K is pushing it especially in the mountains. I would try to stay around 3K
  • I also tow my Enclave ( 4 down A W drive) with my DP, I have a 400 Cummins and have never had a problem. Make sure if you do tow it you pull the accessories fuse under the hood or your battery will go dead.
  • I own a Buick Enclave and do tow it with my DP. They are a heavy vehicle. I would not tow it with your MH since you would be towing at the vehicles max limit.
  • Not knowing what your toad needs are my first thoughts are the Enclave is too big, heavy, and too nice to tow. Our toad needs are modest and it's just the two of us so smaller/lighter is our preference. Many times when we are traveling and day tripping in the toad we remark on how glad we are in a smaller vehicle because of crowds and limited parking.
  • Our daughter has an Enclave and will not let hubby tow it. They have a Wanderloge and could tow the weight. She says not till 300,000 miles.
  • is towable 4-down...
    That is the problem I have with towing Executive...I do not want to put undo stress on my new moterhome...I do not doubt it can be towed, it is whether it is going to hurt the MH in the long haul...that is one of the reasons I went with a MH over a trailer is becuz I did not want to put the stress on my truck...thanks
  • Weight of the tow is but one factor to consider for safe towing. If your Buick is right at 5k obviously you're at max on one factor. Many on here will say they knew a friend who had a friend who's second cousin on his mother's side towed over max for years with no problems so it should be ok. I usually don't like pushing my luck with things like this. IMHO, you could tow the Buick with little or no problems but you'll be stressing the motor home. Things like the motor, trans, frame etc. How it will respond to that stress is unknown. Personally, I'd look for a lighter towed...I can tow up to 10,000 but my toad weighs in at 3180 wet......Dennis