jeremywatco wrote:
Good Morning,
First off let me clarify by stating i am not looking for anyone to tell me what to do or what not to do. I know this will be a touchy subject with risks but its an honest question.....
My 2014 Fleetwood Storm has a 5000# towing capacity.
I am looking at a toad that weighs 5330# (Durango). Let's say I take half the fuel out of it (90#) I'd be at 5240#.
OK so pretty much zero tongue weight, how much extra stress is 240# of pulling weight going to cause? Hitch is 5000# hitch.
Now I realize 5000# is 5000#.. however we aren't full timers and probably would tow a toad 1000miles a year.. MAYBE if that.
I just want to know if I am being foolish by even thinking it...
What would you expect people on this group to say.....YOUR OVER WEIGHT PERIOD! You want the blessing of people here so that you can go out and possibly hurt someone, never mind the people who travel with you? The BIGGEST issue is breaking. The second BIGGEST issue is control. You sit and try to rationalize the situation to talk yourself, and others, into saying.....OH this is okay. The fact that you state that your not "fulltimers" makes no sense at all. What does that have to do with being overweight?