ferndaleflyer wrote:
I wouldn't worry about it----you won't even know its back there. And thats a fact from one that has don it. As far as the legal end: My Aunt and Uncle were hurt real bad by a car that came off of a tow bar, crossed the medium, and hit them head on. They got a small settlement from the insurance Co but it had nothing to do with towing capacity.......that was never mentioned. I don't know how some of you ever get to do anything as you worry to much about lawyers, petty regulations, having a flat, dog ran across the road, boat won't float, etc to much.....Take a chance on life---you only go through it once!
You miss the point - It has nothing to do with "lawyers" it has to do with being safe and not hurting or killing others. I like your statement above "My Aunt and Uncle were hurt real bad by a car that came off of a tow bar, crossed the medium, and hit them head on". Now was this "safe"? Someone got seriously hurt because someone didn't have or understand what the proper equipment was or needed to tow.....SAFTEY CHAINS!!! This is the point, having a properly setup piece of equipment on the road and making sure your not going to hurt anybody.....