I've done both and 4 down is easier by a long shot. In my personal experience, trying to line up a front wheel drive car to a dolly and get it up the ramps in the rain or snow is a nightmare. Then you have to hook up the straps around the wheels which can be a pretty dirty job. Usually took me about 10-15 minutes from start to finish on a good day. Dolly's are heavy and trying to maneuver them around by hand on anything but a level surface is pretty tough. My newer setup with 4 down is soooo much easier it's not even a comparison. I can hook up my car in 3 minutes and that's only because that's how long I have to let it idle prior to towing. Actual hookup takes about 1 minute. All that said, if you have a car that requires a dolly, at least it's an option. But I guarantee that if all cars could be towed 4 down, dolly's would cease to exist.