Forum Discussion

dancoppins's avatar
Jan 13, 2014

Trailer fire RECALLED ITEM

Just before Christmas our 2010 Carriage Cameo Fifth Wheel sustained an electrical fire. The cause of the fire was determined to be a defective IOTA Automatic Transfer Switch located within the belly of the trailer. All the electrical power turned off and both the 50 AMP and GFI circuit breakers, transfer switch as well as the microwave/convection oven were toasted. Thankfully we were in the trailer when the MicroWave/Oven turned itself on and began arcing, and smoking with wires burning.

When the repairs were made I found out the switch had been recalled (we were never notified)and was a fire hazard. The repairman said this is the most common cause for a fire in a trailer. The wires come loose and overheat. He suggested to annually check this switch to make sure connections are tight. All has been repaired and we are now fighting with the insurance company to be reimbursed.......Time will take care of that issue.:M
  • This makes me boiling mad....Monaco never reached out to me about this but yet Navistar reached out to me about a brake pedal recall years ago...I intend to call Monaco and check this as I have this exact trouble with it but again why play with fire?..My biggest fear by the way is if it happens and my dogs are inside without us such as an excursion....

    SHAME ON NAVISTAR AND SHAME ON ASV as they purchased the company lock stock and barrel
  • I think you had 2 problems. The Transfer AND the Microwave. The Transfer switch(even defective) would NOT cause the Microwave to come on and cause arc'ing and smoking wires. REPLACE the Microwave if you have not done so already. Why is your Insurance balking? Carriage is out of business and that is why you probably did not receive the recall notice. The recall is subject to infighting. Iota claims the reason is because the OEM's did NOT correctly torque the screws for the 120 wire connections and because they were not tight to specs could work loose and that is why Iota states they are not responsible for a recall. Some OEM's that used Iota made the decision to send out a recall and replace the Transfer boxes on their dime. Some Oem's did not do that. Doug
  • Loose wiring, bad contacts, 120 voltage with high am draw in a small enclosure are some of the reasons I did away with our auto transfer switch and installed a sub-panel.
    I have to do the switching but less chance of failing.

    Hope the insurance company gets their act together...shouldn't have to fight with them.

    Thanks for the reminder. Checking wiring terminals Main Panel/Sub-Panel & power cord receptacle) has become part of our quarterly maint. routine/checks as we travel/move frequently
  • Thank you for the info. We have a TT and when I looked at the recall list ours may be one. I will call Monaco tomorrow.
  • Fire in an rv of any type can be deadly as we all know. I don't care what type it is , maybe a heads up for all of us to just check xfer switch connections from time to time . I think I will check mine next time I am preparing to use it!
  • Actually Guys, this should be posted any place that MIGHT have that transfer switch. It should include the make and model of the recalled transfer switch.

    I don't know if they will let you multi-post the same item to:
    Class A
    Class C
    Travel Trailers
    Toy haulers
    General RVing Issues

    And anything else where it might save some grief.
    That's my take...

  • Sorry for your incident and best of luck getting good resolve from the people responsible