Forum Discussion

goff1256's avatar
Oct 01, 2018

Transmission temperature

I have a 1998 f53 chassis title as a 99 Winnebago with a V10 and my question is with an OBD2 ScanGauge where does it read the temperature before or after the transmission cooler if I remember correctly the transmission is a 4R 100
  • All F53 stripped chassis used for motorhomes from model year 1999 on are equipped with a 6.7 L V10 engine and ODBII. That's the chassis model year, and not necessarily the same as the completed motorhome model year. There were some motorhomes with 1998, 1999, and possibly 2000 model years built on leftover 1997 F53 chassis equipped with a 7.4 L (460 cu in) engine with OBDI. There were no model year 1998 F53 chassis.

    Basically, if your diagnostics port is located on or near the steering column and has on over sized 'D' shape, it's an OBDII port. If it's located under the dog house cover in the engine compartment and has two parts, it's an OBDI.
  • The fluid temperature in the transmission is the important number and that is where it’s taken.
  • some 98 and 99 and 2000 Fords were ODB1. My 99 was and my neighbors 2000 is also ODB1. I could not get a scan gauge to work on ours or his. My info came from Ford many years ago , and no I do not still have it. It was posted here on the Forum, but that was back in the early 2000.

    I just purchase a gauge and connected two sensors, one before and after the cooler with a switch. Worked good for us. Out here where we live in the summer we saw 150 plus towing a Saturn.
  • The 4R100 Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) sensor is located in the shift solenoid pack assembly, so it senses the fluid temp as it passes through the body of the transmission before it exits to the cooler.