Forum Discussion

allbrandauto's avatar
Mar 30, 2014

traveler sat. dish

going to install traveler sat. dish on my class a all ready have in motion dish on front of rv. want to install dish on rear of rv any problems
  • allbrandauto wrote:
    going to install traveler sat. dish on my class a all ready have in motion dish on front of rv. want to install dish on rear of rv any problems

    As long as that part of the RV is not terribly sloped, it makes no difference where you mount it as long as you have enough swing room for the arm to traverse. The Trav'ler will handle a slope of up to 5 degrees so I doubt you will have any problems. Just be sure it's a nice flat surface (not necessarily level, but flat) so you get a firm mounting surface and be sure it sits in a full bed of caulk / sealant (I like Dicor) and not a putty tape type product.
  • The hardest part of my Trav'ler installation was getting the beast up on the roof. After that it was pretty staightforward. I had to talk to Winegard and DTV a few times and both provided excellent support.
  • I have an in motion dish in the rear and the Traveler in the front. I never had any problems with them and it has helped me get satellite reception in some areas with a lot of trees.
    I first had the in motion system and later added the Traveler. Saw no reason to do away with the in motion system since it was working fine. It was just not HD.
  • Problems as far as what?
    Just curious......why two sat systems?
  • Many have done it. Just make sure to follow the instructions to assure adequate space around it and sufficient load bearing at that particular point on the roof. Running the wires will probably be the hardest part.