Forum Discussion

Heidi_Renee's avatar
May 16, 2013

Trying to find our Battery disconnect Switch.

We have, to us new, (2009) Jamboree. We are stummed as how to make the slides and the stairs work. We used it a very few times last fall when we first bought it.No issues then. We winterized it , took out all the batteries and stored them. Now all the batteries are replaced they have a good charge; the vehicle drives, I can turn the lights on, but now no power is getting to the slides or the stairs. I know I have to turn on the Vehicle to operate the slide , but nothing happens. There is a sticker on the monitor panel that says "!WARNING Entry Step, Propane Detector and CO Detector Will NOT operate, on 12-Volt, if the ignition switch and battery disconnect switch are both turned off." What do I try now?
  • My battery disconnect switch is down by the door. It is a rocker switch, press the top to connect the battery, bottom to disconnect it. Since I don't have a Jamboree, yours may or may not be the same.

    When you say the lights work do you mean the coach lights? Usually if the battery disconnect switch is set to disconnect the coach lights will not work.

    You did install the batteries with the right polarity???