In recent years engine manufacturers have moved away from wastegates and have gone to actuators on VGT turbos. At first they were electric over pneumatic- a separate device had an air supply to it and the ecm would regulate how much air went to the turbo. Now, a lot have simply an electronic actuator attached to the turbo. I suppose it allows for more accurate and faster response and better smoke control.
I just replaced one on an ISX last week. Pretty simple really. 4 bolts, 2 water lines(it is water cooled) and 1 plug. The only thing is you need Insite to calibrate it.I suppose it might work if you just installed it but never tried that.
So the problem now is it can be a mechanical failure with either the actuator or the turbo or an electronic problem with actuator, or obviously other electrical problems.
Now to the OP, if the "truck shop" had Cummins Insite and went through the troubleshooting, they are probably correct. If they just looked up the code and guessed, they could be right or wrong.