Forum Discussion

tcbkenpo's avatar
Aug 26, 2016

Turbo cost?

Turbo went out and I have found a Turbo from Cummins Part #4309191 for my,2009 Sport coach elite with a Cummins 8.3 isc.
Engine # 73068991

I got a quot for $3900 total shipping and core charge.
Any help on other options would be great
  • you need to be aware that if the new or reman turbo does not come with the actuator it will need to be calibrated and installed by a repair shop with access to cummins insite software it is a two step process 1st with the actuator plugged in but not installed 2nd with the actuator installed, if not done properly there will be a check engine light and limited performance if it is a genuine cummins new or reman turbo with the actuator factory installed it does not need to be calibrated. are you pricing a reman or new? with or without a core charge? my choice, mainly for the warranty at any cummins authorized shop would be a genuine cummins reman.
  • When you're spending this kind of cash, it would be my opinion you're not looking for the cheapest price you can find. This is not a job where 'do overs' are easy.
  • Did your turbo grenade? If not and it can be rebuilt you might try a place like Turbonetics or Industrial Injection and see if they can rebuild. Typically significantly cheaper than a replacement. However I have not tried either one of them for turbo off an 8.3 only 5.9's Probably worth a call.
  • donn0128 wrote:
    Why not post back on your original post?
    Because the other one said Cummings.
  • That's about right. Now just another grand for someone to install it!