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Ronaldlee's avatar
Oct 11, 2016

TV Atenna Boster 2006 Fleetwood Excersion 39L Location

Can someone please advise where I can locate the TV antenna booster for 2006 Fleetwood Excurion 39L. Thanks in advance..

Just looking for the location of the switch for the booster. Thanks
  • usersmanual wrote:
    Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Booster (amplifier) is in the head of antenna
    12V DC power to booster is via a wall plate where coax cable connects

    Button ON....allows 12V DC to go to head of antenna via the coax cable from wall plate to antenna

    iam pretty sure what he really asked was where the switch may be located
    most times its in the area where the coax multi switch is located

    So are you saying 'more info' is a bad thing :H

    Always figured the more you have at hand the more you can learn.

    Guess you and I will have to disagree on what should be posted :R
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Booster (amplifier) is in the head of antenna
    12V DC power to booster is via a wall plate where coax cable connects

    Button ON....allows 12V DC to go to head of antenna via the coax cable from wall plate to antenna

    iam pretty sure what he really asked was where the switch may be located
    most times its in the area where the coax multi switch is located
  • Maybe now is the time for you to figure out which cables go where. I would start by and I'm assuming that you have a B.O.M.B. or Box Of Many Buttons. If it is like most of them, the cables are hooked up in an obvious way. Normally(assume disclaimer here)there will be a wall plate with a minimum of a small slide switch and indicator light, often there will be and "F" connector on the plate. That will be "the booster power switch". It is really just a power supply/splitter for the Batwing and Sensar antennas. The plate is normally, black, white or ivory.

    There are several different configurations, there will be a pair of wires that provide the 12vdc power to the booster in the head. There will be two or more 75ohm coaxial cables attached to the splitter on the back of the plate(some have an "F" fitting on the front)

    There you go for a normal installation.

    Some, "Some" BOMBs have the 12vdc power to the booster in the batwing built in and the Winegard power supply is not needed.

    If there are no 12vdc wires to your BOMB, you'll have the power supply/splitter somewhere with a cable leading to the BOMB. Just follow the antenna in on the BOMB back to the power supply.
  • allbrandauto wrote:
    on my 2007 Fleetwood bounder its on the back wall of the cabinet where the dvd and all the cable switching device is it has a small green button that lights up

    Which '07 Bounder do you have?
  • Booster (amplifier) is in the head of antenna
    12V DC power to booster is via a wall plate where coax cable connects

    Button ON....allows 12V DC to go to head of antenna via the coax cable from wall plate to antenna
  • on my 2007 Fleetwood bounder its on the back wall of the cabinet where the dvd and all the cable switching device is it has a small green button that lights up