Well Gang,
Here's ours. We have an Itasca Horizon 36GD with the C-7 330HP CAT and, the outside TV is in the last bay, forward of the right rear duals. The cool part of ours is, it doubles as a storage bay too. We don't put much in there but, it's nice to have the room for small stuff. As you can see in the photos, the TV doesn't exist until we want to use it. The whole thing is on a slide-out shelf/tray.
The front hinges down to make almost a small table/tray. Then, there's a divider that is both a protector for the TV screen and, a wall for what ever we deem to store in the front section.
The divider slides up and, completely out of the compartment. Then, the TV can be viewed right where it is or, like all flat screen mounts, it can be pivoted out to allow for multiple angles of viewing. We've used it on several occasions. TV viewing is not all that important while we're out camping but, on occasion, if the weather is nice and, cooperating, it's nice to sit and relax outside while we view it.
Of course, we keep it down and low so we don't cause any issues with any neighbors, if we have any that is. It's maybe something that I wouldn't have installed but, it was in there when we bought the coach so, we take advantage of it, now and then.